The Most Beautiful WOman on earth

I always break down into tears when I watch this…

Have everyone look down on you… and slap them back with talent!

I say it beautifully
April 23, 2009, 00:08
Filed under: Daily Chronicles, Ponder-Wonder Quotes

Joel Soh – I Say It Beautifully

Title: I Say It Beautifully

English Cover of Peterpan’s “Kukatakan Dengan Indah”

Random vid from NY to Boston…

Tertinggalkan Waktu
April 22, 2009, 20:49
Filed under: Daily Chronicles, Ponder-Wonder Quotes

Peterpan – Tertinggalkan Waktu

kau terbangun dari tidur panjang yang lelapkanmu 
sesali wajahmu merenta kisahmu terlupa 
kau sadari semua yang berjalan tlah tinggalkanmu 
dan tak dapat merangkai semua dekat di khayalmu 
kau harapkan keajaiban datang 
hadir di pundakmu 
kau harapkan keajaiban melengkapi khayalmu 

kau biarkan mimpi tetap mimpi yang melengkapi khayalmu 
kau terhenyak dan terbangunkan 
dan harapkan keajaiban datang hadir dipundakmu 
kini waktu meninggalkanmu

April 19, 2009, 05:02
Filed under: A Lateral Projection, Ponder-Wonder Quotes, Testimonials




Jesus said, “When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and female one and the same… then you will enter the Kingdom of God.”

Gospel of Thomas


Created during the early 1980s, Alex Grey’s painting of Christ is part of a twenty-one life-sized framed images, the installation of the Sacred Mirrors series, currently residing in the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors. Just like the other images, Christ is forty-six by eighty-four inches and presents a life-sized figure directly facing the viewer, arms to the side and palms forward. “This format allows the viewer to stand before the painted figure and “mirror” the image. A resonance takes place between one’s own body and the painted image, creating a sense of “seeing into” oneself” (Grey 32). The series of twenty-one paintings can be divided into three sections: Body, Mind, and Spirit. Grey sought to present a journey-like experience as viewers progress through the Great Chain of Being — and the experience is essentially this: the unfolding and developmental sequencing from the lower to the higher modes of knowing and perceiving. It is as Wilber notes, the transpiration of the different eyes: “the eye of flesh, which discloses the material, concrete and sensual world; the eye of the mind, which discloses the symbolic, conceptual and sensual world; and the eye of contemplation, which discloses the spiritual, transcendental world” (Grey 9). Viewers progress from sensibilia (phenomena that can be perceived by the Body), to intelligibilia (objects perceived by the Mind), and in breaking the ego, activates transcendelia (spiritual perception). The Christ painting is situated in the spirit section alongside a painting of Avalokitesvara and Sophia. And although the artist’s medium is almost always sensibilia — for the work is within the realm of matters: paint, canvas, linen etc. — the critical question, as Wilber puts it, is this: “Using the medium of sensibilia, is the artist trying to represent, depict or evoke the realm of sensibilia itself, or the realm of intelligibilia, or the realm of transcendelia? … we add the crucial ontological question: “Where on the Great Chain of Being is the phenomenon the artist is attempting to depict, evoke, or express?” (Grey 10).” 


“In the Sacred Mirrors, Christ is shown resurrected, surrounded by golden light, with two angels: Gabriel (left) is holding a book on which a symbol of the trinity appears; Michael (right) exhibits the compassion that subdues evil but does not kill it. A flaming infinity band of love encircles the Sacred Heart, and whirling six-pointed stars on either side of Christ’s head refer to Christ’s mystical origins. The six-pointed star symbolizes the primal unity of heaven and earth and the divine Father and Mother. According to the Gnostic Gospels, Christ taught that the Godhead was both male and female; he referred to both his heavenly Father and Mother (which has become the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit).” (Grey 38)


Grey’s Christ is spiritual in the deepest sense. Thus, in answering the question posted previously, it is situated on the highest hierarchy on the Great Chain of Being. It does not seek to merely portray a highly stylized Jewish messiah, nor two calm-colored angelic figures, nor random placement of mystical religious symbols; it does not seek to educate the eye of the mind and provide intellectual nourishment nor does it seek to merely disclose “the world of ideas, symbols, concepts, images, values, meanings, and intentions (Grey 9)”; rather, “it springs from the dimension of nondual and universal Spirit, which transcends (and thus unites) both subject and object, self and other, inner and outer… Art created in this nondual awareness offers direct access to nondual Spirit” (Grey 14). It is as Grey intends it: “to realize and activate the essential truth that [Christ] was ([as]we are) “The Word made flesh” — a direct channel for the love and healing energy of God” (Grey 37). As Beckett recapitulates — concerning spiritual arts in general — “This understanding may well be activated, intensely so, but in the activating a real change takes place. The vehicle, to repeat the image, moves on its own. Whatever the conceptual insights that accrue to those who practice their religion, the pictorial power comes non-conceptually. It effects what it signifies… but the mind may be aware only of the impact of some mysterious truth. This is the essence of spiritual art. We are taken into a realm that is potentially open to us, we are made more what we are meant to be” (Beckett 7).


Before understanding Grey’s Christ, I believe it is essential that we first come to terms with the  context and conventions that which inspires the aspirations of the artist. Plunged in an era of ‘ism’s, the “Post-Modern Age is a time of incessant choosing” (Jencks 7). Once in Modernism we see the repudiation of all traditional styles that preceded it, and this is evident in the various art movements that sprang like mushrooms during that era: cubism, surrealism and the notorious dadaism to name a few, now we see yet another tide of change. An overture that seeks “to take stock of the old as well as absorbing the shock of the new” (Collins 9). We, as Collins notes, “stand at a point where it may be avant-garde to be rear-guard. We are searching for a design vocabulary which extends beyond basic language and basic structure.” And in this search, confusion is inevitable. The job at hand is thus to eclect traditions from the past and present. If successful, it “will be a striking synthesis of traditions; if unsuccessful, a smorgasbord” (Jencks 7). This characteristic of eclecticism does so little at alleviating the confusion than it is at exacerbating it. Notice Jencks’ apparent lack of definition for the value of the word “successful.” Who, where and what are the defining line(s)? Thus here, amidst the confusion we see that it is the bearing of subjectivity in which we are so open to that ultimately and fundamentally sets us assail, as Jencks notes, on a scale “between inventive combination and confused parody… often getting lost and coming to grief.” Nonetheless, upon this plane of infinite possibilities the combination and permutation of the past and the present grants, one cannot deny the “great promise of a plural culture with its many freedoms.” Indeed, “pluralism, the ‘ism’ of our time, is both the great problem and the great opportunity” (Jencks 7).


For some, Post-Modernism killed Modernism. For others, it is an extension. My opinion lies with the latter. Taking a cue from Efland, “if modernism is the style that repudiates past styles, then the postmodern style that repudiates the modern can be seen as maintaining the modern tradition” (Efland 11). From this logic, how can one movement repudiate another while maintaing the essences of the repudiated? It is only reasonable to view Post-Modernism as an extension of Modernism. In Postmodern Art Education: An Approach to Curriculum, Efland forwards Jencks‘ use of hyphenation “because [Jencks] believes that post-modern art still contains many aspects of modern art, but these have been added to, adopted, or embellished… [thus] by hyphenating the word, “modern” maintains its integrity as a word” (Efland 31). Defining Post-Modernism, Jencks claims that it is “that paradoxical dualism, or double coding, which its hybrid name entails: the continuation of Modernism and its transcendence” (Jencks 10). In this convention of confusion, Alex Grey finds himself ‘eclecting traditional Sacred Art and Psychedelic Art — a fusion which produces the unique Visionary Arts of the Sacred Mirrors



… the Now of our present life and the mystical closeness of God can seem in opposition. The Now is down here, material, busy about many things, pressured. The Mystical is up there, spiritual, free floating… St. Augustine held that the human heart is restless until it finds rest in God” (Beckett 5).


In The Mystical Now Art and The Sacred, Beckett highlights the disparity between religious art and spiritual art. According to his theory, “religious art, that most demanding of the genres, may bring us to prayer by virtue of its religiousness rather than by its art” (Beckett 6). How one is effected by the art depends on his/her depth of faith. Religious images are seen as art that instigate the viewers to pray. They “do not necessarily take the believer any further. They do not per se, deepen the faith of those who contemplate them – they [merely] activate it.” Thus, the quality of the art is not of highest priority. Beckett’s case illustration of the Russian Orthodox use of the ikon best exemplifies how the art “is in itself an act of profound faith [as] the artist prays and fasts, preparing his or her heart for the work of devotion that will be the painting.” Wilber, in regard to Grey’s Sacred Mirrors series forwarded Michelangelo’s selfsame belief: “…it is not sufficient merely to be a great master in painting and very wise, but I think that it is necessary for the painter to be very moral in his mode of life, or even if such were possible, a saint, so that the Holy Spirit may inspire his intellect” (Grey 12). 


Spiritual art on the other hand, is “the artistic depiction/expression of [the artist’s own soul, right up to the point of union with universal Spirit and transcendence of the separate self or individual ego], particularly in such a way as to evoke similar spiritual insights on the part of the observers” (Grey 13). As Beckett points out, “it is this truth… that makes spiritual art so important to us. It is not a substitute for religion, but for those who have no other access to God it is a valid means of entering into that numinous dimension that alone makes the ‘incomprehensibility’ not only bearable but life-giving” (Beckett 9). 


Grey’s Christ is both religious and spiritual in its essence. Though non-believers may comment on the 2-dimensional cartoonish portrait as one of a severe lacking in artistic skills, the radiating light from the Christ’s  head and body are sure reminders to believers that “[He is] the light of the world,” John 8:12. It is as Beckett notes: “By illustrating, [the image] reminds, and the believer wants that reminder, takes it gladly and uses it as a means to God. For the believer as such, the actual quality of the art is unimportant – the work stands or falls by its ability to raise the mind and heart towards truths of faith” (Beckett 6). Upon further contemplation on the Christ figure, the light begins to encapsulate the viewer, and the art does not reside in simply raising the “mind and heart towards truths of faith”, but transcending the realms of sensibilia and itelligibilia, these truths of faith is alleviated into the realm of transcendelia. In my personal experience, and perhaps this is by and large due to the way the Sacred Mirrors book is designed, to lead from body to mind, and mind to spirit, and the juxtaposition of Christ in between Avalokitesvara and Sophia, I suddenly felt a deep connection from within my own personal faith as a Christian and to that of the other faiths — as if breaking out of my comfort zone, the cage in which I was brought up to believe in that if I leave, I will go to hell… my spirit wandered and contemplated the idea — and this was an area I had never dreamed to venture — that perhaps just like many rivers that lead to the selfsame blue expanse we call “sea”, so does our religions lead to one universal Godhead. The experience was bewildering and I must admit that I’m still in that phase of confusion. Echoing the words of Beckett, “[perhaps this] is also why so many people unconsciously fear and resist art. We may not want to become aware of suppressed and unrecognized aspects of ourselves… fallen creatures, ego-lovers, nomads in a world that we both love and feel alien to… ‘We have forgotten who and what we are.’ And art… ‘makes us remember that we have forgotten.‘ This is painful. It is also our best means, apart from direct contact with God, of discovering that interior integrity” (Beckett 9). Reiterating Grey’s purport, Christ is essentially a painting for viewers “to realize and activate the essential truth that [Christ] was ([as]we are) “The Word made flesh” — a direct channel for the love and healing energy of God” (Grey 37).


“On June 3, 1976, we simultaneously shared the same psychedelic vision: an experience of the Universal Mind Lattice. Our shared consciousness, no longer identified with or limited by our physical bodies, was moving at tremendous speed through an inner universe of fantastic chains of imagery, infinitely multiplying in parallel mirrors. At a super-orgasmic pitch of speed and bliss, we became individual foundations and drains of Light, interlocked with an infinite omnidirectional network of fountains and drains composed of and circulating a brilliant iridescent love energy. We were the Light, and the Light was God.”

Allyson and Alex Grey


According to Robert E.L. Masters and Jean Houston’s Psychedelic Art, “the psychedelic artist is an artist whose work has been significantly influenced by psychedelic experience and who acknowledges the impact of the experience on his work” (Masters 17). Both authors furthers the idea that the provision of “intelligence, feeling, imagination, and talent” (Masters 18) is made by the artist and not the chemical. The psychedelic experience is merely another experience, though the artist may draw inspiration from it just as he or she draws inspiration from any other experiences. “Where artists of the past traveled to the ends of the earth, these new artists travel inward, to what Aldous Huxley called the antipodes of the mind – the world of visionary experience” (Masters 18). 


In the case of Alex Grey, his artworks aren’t so much as a fusion of psychedelia and spirituality as it is  a derivation of one from the other. Though psychedelic substances does not necessitate a spiritual experience, and hence give birth to spiritual art, its potential to do so is unquestionable. Though to some, psychedelic experience is merely the feeling of a distorted consciousness, many however regard the alteration of consciousness as a means to withdraw from the individual self and to be in tandem with the universal self, “a transformative contact with the Ground of Being” (Grey 31). Hence, psychedelic experience isn’t just the experience of a distorted mind but rather, a mystical one. As Masters and Houston note: “The art is religious, mystical: pantheistic religion, God manifest in All, but especially in the primordial energy that makes the worlds go, powers the existential flux. Nature or body mysticism: the One as an omnisensate Now (Masters 81).” And in very much the same way shamans employ methods of “intoxication, sex, nudity, physical abuse, and self denigration” (Grey 18) to contact the spirit world, one of Grey’s “portals to the mystical dimension” is psychedelic drugs. Reiterating what I said before, spirituality is in Grey’s case, derived from psychedelia. His psychedelic visionary artworks in the Sacred Mirrors series is thus also, his spiritual mystical artworks. They all convey “the spectrum of consciousness from material perception to spiritual insight; and function… as symbolic portals to the mystical dimension” (Grey 31).          



 Born Alex Velzy, young Alex had demonstrated extreme concern towards the polarity that existed within the self and the universe; a monomania towards the opposing forces of spirit and matter. For the most part of his adolescent years, he was “consumed by the idea that the conflict of opposites was the underlying principle of the cosmos” (Grey 20). This lead to various formalized insights regarding polarities, chiefly the polarity of life and death. As Jung has noted, “Just as all energy proceeds from opposition, so the psyche too possesses its inner polarity, this being the indispensable prerequisite for its aliveness… Both theoretically and practically, polarity is inherent in all living things.” Similarly, the philosophy of Taoism states that the macrocosm as well as the microcosm is constructed on the principle of complementarity expressed as Yin and Yang (Grey 20). This monomania towards polarity, evident even in his early artworks — as early as 5 years old! — slowly consumed him, driving him into madness. Essentially, it was as Grey exclaims, “a search for ‘something’.” Perhaps it was to gain insightful understanding of the two opposing forces, perhaps it was find a place between the two forces, perhaps it was to discover a language unbounded by the principles of polarity… “As the polarity pieces developed, Grey’s shamanic method of personal realization, or what could be interpreted as a descent into madness, was greatly intensified” (Grey 20). This however, ended with Polar Wandering, a pilgrimage to the North Magnetic Pole where he ran nude in circles after the needle of a compass which, due to the convergence of magnetism, had spun hysterically. In regard to the out-of-body trance state he experienced within himself while performing the ritual, Grey expressed: “I felt I had dissolved into a pure energy state and become one with the magnetic field surrounding the earth” (Grey 13).


“After I returned from the North Magnetic Pole, flat broke, I realized that my performance were an exhaustive desperate search for ‘something.’ And although I called myself an agnostic existentialist, I challenged “God, whatever that is” to appear to me. Within twenty-four hours the following two life changing events occurred: At a party I took LSD for the first time. Sitting with my physical eyes closed, my inner eye moved through a beautiful spiraling tunnel. The walls of the tunnel seemed like a living mother of pearl, and it felt like a spiritual rebirth canal. I was in the darkness, spiraling toward the light. The curling space going from back to gray to white suggested to me the resolution of all polarities as the opposites found a way of becoming each other. My artistic rendering of this event was titled the Polar Unity Spiral. Soon after this I changed my name to Grey as a way of bringing the opposites together.” 

Alex Grey


This theme of ‘resolute’ polarity became one of the many themes apparent in the Sacred Mirrors series. In Christ, the existential polarity of good and evil as depicted through the symbol of the trinity on a book Gabriel (left) bears and the demonic serpent upon Michael’s (right) foot form the base of the triangular shape in which the Christ figure and the angelic figures form, combined. These opposing forces however, is given very little regard as the angels’ gaze are on neither but rather, adjusted upward towards the messiah’s head, the zenith of the triangle. Thus, Grey conveys the idea that the struggle of polarities are but base concerns in the light of divinity. The spiritual or universal, is nondual. When contemplating on Christ, “the viewer momentarily becomes the art and is for that moment released from the alienation that is ego. Great spiritual art dissolves ego into nondual consciousness, and is to that extent experienced as an epiphany…” (Grey 14).    



One of the common traits of Post-Modernism is the practice of “appropriation”. “Loosely, appropriation refers to the artistic recycling of existing images” (Getlein 553). In the case of Christ, the central figure of the messiah is Grey’s recycling of existing Christian images. Appropriating the messiah to incorporate numerous other symbols (i.e. the Eye of Providence, the Star of David, the Holy Trinity etc.), Grey thus creates a Christ figure that is both familiar and alien at the same time. The figure retains nuances of old conventions of portrayal as such the long curly hair, thick beards, robes, and the use of halos but nonetheless offers novelty in that we see the replacement of nail-holes with the Eye of Providence symbol, illumination of scars and Grey’s own unique “infinity band of love.” Reiterating Jencks‘ definition of Post-Modernism art, it is “that paradoxical dualism, or double coding, which its hybrid name entails.” Interpreting “paradoxical dualism” as “nondualism”, Grey’s Christ depicts essentially the contradictions as non-contradictions: the old as new and the new as old, both sides assimilated as one. 


This concept of nondualism, “polar unity” as Grey coins the term, can also be seen through the depiction of space within the image. Here, finite space coexists with infinite space. While space is depicted through the radiating light, lines that converges toward the figure’s heart, the somewhat cartoonishly painted figure and the highly symmetrical balanced posture (even the robe draping to the left is balanced with the float on the right!) makes the image appear extremely flat. Ergo one may actually see depth and no depth at the same time; space and no space simultaneously. Furthermore, there are four triangular shapes in the image, all which functions as not only symbolic conception, but also arrows that imply lines that direct the viewers point of sight. As mentioned previously, the Christ figure along with the two angelic figures forms an illusionary triangular shape with the head of the Christ at the shape’s zenith. The other three traingulars can be found on the messiah’s palms and on the book. Note that all three of these triangulars point upwards towards the messiah’s head. It is only natural that the viewer, facing the life-sized image of Christ, winds up contemplating on the messiah’s face… staring deep into the figure’s illuminated eyes and have them stare back, activating — if even for a moment — the viewer’s spirit into the realm of transcendelia.


“The artist must train not only his eye but also his soul, so that it can weigh colors in its own scale an thus become a determinant in artistic creation” (Grey 13). What impresses me the most of Grey’s Christ is not merely his ability to select and mix colors of high values but rather, the ability to illuminate them. At close inspection, one will notice that upon the messiah’s skin are thousands of small stripes of brushstrokes, lacerations of colors such as light blue, green, indigo etc. – colors that has very low intensity. Up front, these strokes of random colors look extremely out of place upon the brownish-yellow color of the figure’s skin. From a distance however, the effect of “optical color mixture” sets in. Loosely speaking, it is the effect of the eye blending different colors that are close together to produce a new color (Getlein 99). Thus, instead of weird nonsensical colors randomly scattered around the image, the viewer’s eyes registers them as one color: the color of illumination. It is the kind of color that looks like a bright light, glowing off the surface of the Christ. I personally find Grey’s incorporation of this optical illusion technique to be extremely captivating. 



“A shaman is one who embarks on a path that challenges the norms of society – its values, imagery, and scared cows – in order to achieve the healing powers and wisdom that are its goals. He or she stands in opposition to society’s highly developed, mutually agreed upon perception of reality that forms the collective dream of sleepwalking humanity.

Transculturally, the shamanic process involves an initiatory phase in which the shaman meets his/her animal allies and descends to the underworld. After confronting death in some dramatic event he/she is “reborn” and ascends to the higher worlds to meet helpful spirits. Along the way the shaman receives his or her healing powers and visions” (Grey 18)

Carlo McCormick


I personally love the shaman analogue McCormick draws to that of Grey’s transfiguration. More than the artworks, my deep appreciation towards Grey lies within the story of his life as an artist. The constant questioning; the passion and drive in search of that “something”, as McCormick compares it to the shaman’s path, which placed Grey at the brink of Madness; the necessary strides of confusion… Whenever I look at Christ, or any images from the Sacred Mirrors series for that matter of fact, it is not the transcendental abilities of the images that inspires me — though I do not deny the fact that Grey’s mastery in expressing the Spirit is no less than profound — but rather, the transfiguration which is so immanent behind every brush stroke. The transfiguration of a confused boy, a boy in search of that “something”… I don’t really know how to explain this feeling I get when I look into Grey’s artwork. Somehow, whenever I flip through my Sacred Mirrors book, I don’t feel alone… I feel… understood.









Beckett, Wendy. The Mystical Now Art and The Sacred. New York: UNIVERSE, 1993.

Collins, Michael. Towards Post-Modernism. New York: New York Graphic Society, 1987.

Efland, Arthur, Kerry Freedman, Patricia Stuhr. Postmodern Art Education: An Approach to Curriculum. Virginia: The National Art Education Association, 1996.

Getlein, Mark. Living with Art. 1985. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008.

Grey, Alex, Ken Wilber , and Carlo McCormick. Sacred Mirrors The Visionary Art of Alex Grey. Vermont: Inner Traditions International, 1990.

Grey, Alex. Transfiguration. 2001. Vermont: Inner Traditions International, 2004.

Jencks, Charles. What is Post-Modernism? 1986. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1987.

Masters, E.L. Robert, and Jean Houston. Psychedelic Art. New Jersey: Balance House, 1968.

April 19, 2009, 04:12
Filed under: A Lateral Projection, Ponder-Wonder Quotes

The two polars by which the production of artworks are governed — assuming that there’s even such a thing as vague as “art” — has well been the great debate amongst many artists, within and without. At one end, art is considered solely the product of intuition. That is, the immediate derivation of the soul, unrefined and raw in all of its essences. Conversely, the opposing end dictates the productions of art as the exclusive manifestation of intellection. From this angle, the production of art is a meticulous act of careful calculation, contrived in all respect. Yet, in today’s convention of confusion — and I say this in respect to our post-modernistic need to ‘eclect’ as a way of life, and thus as a way of art — the world can no longer be seen through simple binary lenses. Dualism: black and white, good and evil, male and female, is but a faltering conception. Not so much of a revolution as it is an evolution of the mind, we have now become aware of the shades of grey. And while it is without doubt that some may find it within their capacity to transcend such limiting means of perception and understanding — that is, to be able to operate on a higher level free from dualism — or, in uniting both polars, achieve a state non-dualism, I find myself frustratingly at the basest of understanding… merely, though with unyielding belligerence, struggling within these shades of grey. My state of confusion needs not the clarity of words since, as you will soon discover, the language of “dots and lines” upon which my artworks are built upon are the better communicator. 

The following artworks were made through the course of a semester for my Introduction to Visual Arts class presentation. They are based on the theme “imagine” as assigned by my lecturer, Stephen Shipps. 





“Imagine”? Is art merely the reproductions of the pigments of my imagination? 





What if it was, instead, to MAKE my viewers imagine? Deconstructing the image above, isn’t all there is on that piece of paper mere variations of lines? Where does the power of suggestion lie? Where does my role end and where does my viewer’s role begin? Is ART simply a sport bandy within the court of imaginations?





I don’t think it is as simple as toying with imaginations… But what is it? What is ART? Shipps said it can be anything… in today’s world, but it is not everything. If that is the case, isn’t it about nothing?






Is ART bullshit?






Wait… perhaps it is purely about ideas? If so, shouldn’t the two sides show/depict/convey the same thing? How come it is easier to comprehend the left box instead of the right? Is ART limited to the selfsame laws which governs the utilization and combinations of symbols just as in other languages? But is ART that restricted? If however it is not confined to “humanly made understanding”, then these two boxes are, as its title accrues, mirrors images…


January 19, 2009, 20:21
Filed under: A Lateral Projection, Ponder-Wonder Quotes

I bought two books at the second hand store yesterday: one on Aristotle and the other, a comic-like introductory book to Sigmund Freud. As I was reading the “Sigi” book, I stumbled upon a quote that I would truly like to share with all of you. It is a Sigi quote and it reads:

“A man who has been the indisputable favorite of his mother keeps for life the feeling of a conqueror, that confidence of success that often induces real success.”

Those words really inspired me even at first sight and it beckoned several re-readings as the words would traverse deeper into my brain lobes, find the correct cerebral enzymes that would break them down into smaller and smaller digestible pieces until a profound understanding is revealed.

The way I see it, the phrase applies not only to “Mummy’s Boys” but rather, to anybody at all that has within their capacity, the ability to understand and perceive themselves as Unique. Sigmund had written the quote because he was indeed his mother’s favorite but that Conqueror his mother’s favoritism made out of him was not entirely developed on how she fed him more than his other 7 siblings or how she hugged him more, but instead, it was how it made him feel more Special than the others. That sense of individual uniqueness thus made him feel distinct – set apart and different from the other siblings – Special. And through this facade, the instilled confidence of being Special, even though he was only special to his mother and not to anyone else, becomes the stepping stone in which his confidence as a Conqueror develops.

I believe it is important to understand this truth, that confidence, cannot be nurtured unless one feels self-worth – that sense of individual uniqueness that allows you to look into impossible tasks, things that others fail to accomplish, and say, “I’ll do it and I’ll get it to work. Why? Cus I’m not everyone else!”. Take the Jews for example, probably the best reason why they are so god damn good in everything is simply because on and on in the Bible, God keeps assuring them that they are his chosen people. No? 

In my opinion, and I do strongly agree with the quote, success will only come if one has the confidence required of it. And as long as you can feel self-worth, feel unique, different, special… then you can face the world, face the scorns, face the laughters and do whatever you’re born to do, no matter how impossible they say it is, you will do it – and your ark, just like Noah’s, will float! I guess that’s why some churches stress on the verse “you’re the apple of my eye” so that by feeling special, the congregation will be a strong front of heads and not tails. Not sure if your pastor ever put it that way but if you ask me, I think that’s the sole purpose of that verse – it’s not for you to just feel loved and then shed superfluous ‘hallelujah’ tears over it!

CD vs Movie Tickets
January 18, 2009, 09:38
Filed under: A Lateral Projection, Ponder-Wonder Quotes

Here’s a lil’ something I read today. The economic thinking (ones we learn in A level at least) stresses the fact that so long as something is in high demand (popular), the price will generally be high. Note that if you’re thinking about price elasticity, it has nothing to do with it. ‘Popularity’s a non-price factor, hence, causing shifts instead of movement along the demand curves. Still, if you insist on knowing the PED. It ought to be extremely inelastic as Intellectual Property goods have no perfect substitutes. Anyways, what I read and I thought it was interesting is this:

How come popular CDs are cheaper than not so popular ones? Try and find a TOOL or Dream Theater CD/DVD and the price is definitely higher than the new Britney Spears CD/DVD. But then, when it comes to movie tickets, there sure as hell wont be discounts for popular movies – sometimes, prices even go up! How come? 

Firstly, GSC or TGV’s profits are limited by the amount of seats available in each theater room and not the quantity of customers. Even if there are a thousand customers in line for Dark Knight, the theater could seat probably only 200. Given a scenario as such, the only way to maximize (or in other words, exploit the customers willingness to pay more i.e. ‘Consumer Surplus’)is to never give discounts – probably even increase the price. But when it comes to old movies or not so popular ones, they give discounts just so they could probably fill up the seats.

Yet when it comes to CDs, that conventional pattern of ‘increase in popularity means increase in prices’ doesn’t seem to apply. Instead, a reverse pattern is noted. Why is that? Well, one of the reasons is because of competition. Just about any retail store can purchase the latest Britney Spears CD/DVD and sell ’em. That being the case, bigger retail stores (who can afford to buy in huge bulks and hence offer larger discounts) will do so just to attract more customers (and of course, grab those immediate profits, even if they are small). Another reason why they don’t mind selling it cheap is because the cost of rental (keeping the CD/DVD on the shelf) is relatively low since the CD/DVD is popular. A CD/DVD would probably be on the shelf for lest than 2 days (depending on popularity) and therefore, the cost of storing it is extremely low. By doing that, not only does the store make small profits, there’s also a probability that those customer might buy an additional CD/DVD! (Just like chewing gums in sundry stores. Did you know that selling chewing gums would barely make you any profit? Yet, sundry stalls sell them simply because they hope to attract customers to buy other candies!)

But when it comes to unpopular CD/DVD like Dream Theater, not many stores sell them. Hence if you desperately want one (in Malaysia, I think only Rock Corner sells them), you’ll have to pay whatever price they set. Not only that, CD/DVDs like this often stay on the shelves for an extended period of time, sometimes for months! Thus, the rental cost for each CD/DVD is also very high. You must also bear in mind that the shopkeeper would need to hire some Metal Dude with knowledge of unconventional bands just so he would know what to order. Since Metal Dudes are low in supply, the cost of hiring one is relatively higher. Hence, that cost will too be incorporated into that Dream Theater CD/DVD!

Interesting isn’t how economics work? Unfortunately, Emerson College doesn’t offer Economics… I was hoping I could tutor but Oh, well… And by the way, go get The Economic Naturalist if you want to read more about stuff like these. It covers a lot and refers primarily from Adam Smith’s theories. I’ve been reading it for months and am only half way through. I guess I’m a slow reader. Takes forever for me to absorb things!

Boston Still Has Nice People!
January 15, 2009, 18:11
Filed under: A Lateral Projection, Ponder-Wonder Quotes

“You still got nice people around you know,” was what he said.

After breakfast at the City Place (today, we had Mexicano~), Xiao and I headed to AMC (cinema) to catch ‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button’. AMC’s situated approximately 100 meters from Emerson College’s main building and shares a same block with the Ritz Carlton Hotel (you can imagine how bloody expensive this area is… plus Hyatt Regency’s just in front of it). Anyways, we kinda got there 15 minutes ere the cinema opens and thus had little options but to withstand the harsh, cold winds outside with made in Malaysia skin and bones. It was there where Xiao and I met a most amiable lad who not only cared to give us a brief guide around Boston (his directions covered a much larger scope of Boston and included little Italy somewhere north and some beaches somewhere east), he even gave me a packet hand warmers for free!

I didn’t quite get it at first when he took it out of his bag and handed it to me. “Here, take it.” Perhaps due to my brain’s overdose of skepticism, I took the packet thinking he meant that I should have a closer look at it so that I know what it is and where to get it (I didn’t know what hand warmers were prior to this) but after a while, it kinda got awkward with me holding the packet and both his hands sealed tight behind his pockets. Not knowing what to do (‘Is he giving this to me? or is he just showing it to me?’), I blurted what would be a most pride-risking question (cus ‘No’ would mean Ignominy and Devastation) and it sounded like this: “Erm, this thing… I don’t really get it.. erm… so sorry… just to clarify… erm… are you giving it to me?”

That simple-made-complicated question with those strings of ‘Erm’ and eclipses (which in real life meant fucking awkward pauses) was barely comprehensible at first. He looked at me and I could see in his now squinted eyes that he’s trying hard to process it. But I was not going to repeat it. No way was I going to repeat that question. It only seemed apt to me at that moment to raise my eyebrows, tilt them and give him a confused puppy face – and wait. 

He understood it though. Eventually. And what I meant by ‘it’ is that bloody confusion of getting something F.O.C. from a total stranger. I mean, it happened to me once when I was in Japan but things like this, they don’t happen twice. You usually live long enough to have it happen to you once and be fucking thankful of it and that’s that. They don’t happen twice. Not especially when you’re in a city! *gearing up skepticism*

So anyways, what followed was a chuckle and several repetitions of the word ‘Yeah’ -some soft, some trying to be heard and some caught between the chuckle. Of course from my point it was that relieve and the releasing of tension cus a question that beckons a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer’s always like flipping a coin – binary possibilities with two extreme polars (often if one is desired, the other would be otherwise). From his part though it must have been hilarious. Seeing this China man’s Chinese eyes enlarged in disbelief and that load of saccharine ‘Thank You’s that flooded forth from his mouth thereafter, what a way to witness blessings that truly bless!

As for me, I won’t forget what Benevolent said. Quoting from the movie: “It’s funny how sometimes the people we remember the least make the greatest impression on us.” I don’t know Benevolent’s name and neither do I know where he lives or what he does. Truth be told, I ain’t known nothing about him. But Benevolent said: “You still got nice people around you know.” And I was truly blessed.


Cut the world into half, cut that half into yet another half…
January 4, 2009, 01:10
Filed under: A Lateral Projection, Ponder-Wonder Quotes

“Passion, it lies in all of us, sleeping… waiting… and though unwanted… unbidden… it will stir… open its jaws and howl. It speaks to us… guides us… passion rules us all, and we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love… the clarity of hatred… and the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion maybe we’d know some kind of peace… but we would be hollow… Empty rooms shuttered and dank. Without passion we’d be truly dead.”

Joss Whedon

Yesterday, when I received a phone call from Astro, I was very upset. Initially, I had intended to go to Boston for a semester and then transfer to either UCLA, NYU or CalArts (either one that accepts me) for their Fall intake. This plan was accepted by the previous Human Resources Manager but now with the new one, there seems to be lots of complications. I won’t go into details as most of it has to be confidential (I don’t know why). Anyways, it saddens me to think that even at this nascent stage of my wanting to be a film maker, this stage of merely trying to get a higher education, there seems to be countless obstacles and trials. Perhaps because every time I am faced with something, it is a ‘special case’ as no one has ever done it before. Perhaps because I can’t look to anyone for guidance simply because there’s none out there to offer.

It can be very depressing at times. I get jealous at people who though are without a strong passion, still suffice at entering a college or university mostly because their parents are rich. But I always tell myself, having a dream doesn’t really mean anything. Passion and action must move as one. A person that lacks passion is no different from a passionate person who lacks action. If I were to take pride in my passion and complain or be jealous over passionless ones who got things easy instead of doing something about my passion, I am no different from them.

You see, if you cut the world into half. There’d be one side filled with dreamers and the other side overcrowded with lost souls who doesn’t seem to know what they want in their lives. Pick up that half that contains them bunch of dreamers and cut it yet into another half. Now, one half will be filled with people who are stagnant because they think that having a dream makes them special from others. They are contented at the mere facade of having a dream and hence does nothing to nurture it. The other half, on the other hand, is filled with dreamers who wants to see a realization to their dreams. Cut this half into yet another half and this is what you get: dreamers who lucked out with opportunities opening everywhere and dreamers who though willing to work hard, don’t seem to be given any opportunity at all. Pick up that tiny half which contains opportune dreamers and you can still cut it further into half. This time, meritocracy determines whether a dreamer belongs to the elite group (the one worth investing millions on) or the blacklisted group of failures (ones that will never get a single cent or a second opportunity).

What I’m trying to say is that having a dream, having a strong passion towards something doesn’t mean the world. There’s still a lot of struggles and obstacles that needs to be battled in order to move on, in order to be seated among that minuscule group of Elites. Yet, without passion, one is as hallow as ’empty rooms shuttered and dank’.

So basically, if you don’t know what you want in life. Stop ‘thinking’ about it, simply get out into the world and experience things. Quoting from Whedon, passion lies in all of us and sometimes it is asleep. There’s no way ‘thinking’ within that limited mind of yours can ever possibly trigger the passion within. You need to venture out. See things. Feel things. Experience things. Certainly in one of those endeavors you’ll find your true calling. But if you decide to ‘think’ of where your passion lies, com’n lets face it, how much of the world have you seen to even give yourself options?

And as for those who are lucky enough to have discovered their passion at a young age, don’t rejoice just yet my dear friend because when your beginner’s luck runs out, you’ll be wailing like a baby in face of the true battle for a dream -and it will certainly take a toll on you. Then, even with passion, there is no certainty that you will be successful. So don’t take pride in it. Don’t be contented. Don’t think yourself special. Because the truth is, you’re only one step ahead of those without passion but a million steps behind the Elites.

Hopefully, with hard work, perseverance and an open mind (always looking or making opportunities), success will be simply a matter of time. I myself hold on tightly to this hope because there’s just so much a man can and cannot do. Between those spaces where our jurisdiction ends, we can only pray and hope.

Hinduism Ponder-wonder quotes
October 27, 2008, 04:51
Filed under: Ponder-Wonder Quotes

Here are some ponder-wonder proverbs taken from the Hindu scriptures:

A king asked a sage to explain the Truth. In response the sage asked the king how he would convey the taste of a mango to someone who had never eaten anything sweet. No matter how hard the king tried, he could not adequately describe the flavor of the fruit, and, in frustration, he demanded of the sage “Tell me then, how would you describe it?” The sage picked up a mango and handed it to the king saying “This is very sweet. Try eating it!” – A Hindu Teaching

Since the seed does not contain anything other than the seed, even the flowers and the fruits are of the same nature as the seed: the substance of the seed is the substance of subsequent effects, too. Even so, the homogenous mass of cosmic consciousness does not give rise to anything other than what it is in essence. When this truth is realized, duality ceases. – Yoga Vasishtha

Here are some ponder-wonder quotes taken from the Hindu scriptures:

“Waste makes want, waste not want not.”

“When a camel is at the foot of a mountain then judge of his height. “

“Dig your well before you’re thirsty. “

“Among the blind, the squint rules.”

“A man in this world without learning is as a beast of the field. “

“Anger has no eyes.”